FLORA SYMONS (Barry Symons) 19th Annual Tree Auction
Trees are mostly in 16-20 litre bags. Ranging in height from 0.5 to 2 meters and are between one and three years of age. Trees will be auctioned in lots of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and upwards depending on species and number available.
Catalogues will be available nearer the sale from Barry on barry@florasymons.co.za and will be uploaded to this site.
TERMS: Payment strictly on the day of the sale.
From Estcourt take R103 towards Mooi River and after 15km turn right onto Lowlands Road. Follow sale signs.
From Mooi River take R103 towards Estcourt. After 19kms turn left onto Lowlands Road. Follow sale signs.