About us
AAM is a livestock agent and auctioneering business which was established in 2004. AAM is a modern company designed to meet the needs of today’s farmers and that of the livestock industry. As an owner-managed company, clients have a direct relationship with the owners of the business, who are “on the ground” and involved in every aspect of the business.
Field Officers
Our Field Officers are available to assist farmers in all aspects of their livestock marketing, be it on the auction or as private treaty deals. AAM offers a top service which includes regular farm visits in order to identify their needs and to advise them of the best marketing options. Clients are able to discuss current prices and market trends with the Field Officers.
Hassle-free experience
AAM’s highly skilled staff and strict business systems ensure a hassle free experience for both sellers and buyers. We strive to make AAM the best and most effective marketing option for your livestock sales. AAM has a dedicated marketing department which offers a personal and focused service. We pride ourselves with our reliability, passion and enthusiasm. AAM holds an average of 18 monthly auctions at different venues across KwaZulu Natal, stretching from Creighton to Van Reenen. We also hold numerous special sales, such as bull sales, production sales and dispersal sales, throughout the year, as well as facilitate private treaty deals. Emphasis is always on attention to detail and service excellence to our customers no matter how big or small.
transport arrangements
We assist clients with transport arrangements, and endeavour to make the marketing of livestock through AAM a simple, efficient and pleasant experience. We also have an intensive marketing campaign for each sale which includes advertising in the media, sms to our substantial database and phone calls to buyers, website and social media.
Our in house advertising design abilities help to reduce costs to our sellers by designing adverts as well as posters etc. Our Sale Staff are excellent stockmen who handle all breeds of cattle efficiently, with understanding and confidence. AAM supports organised agriculture.